Public Services

Nail Trims 

LRHS offers nail clipping services. Please call LRHS or email [email protected] to set an appointment for your dog or cat. Proof of a current Rabies Vaccination is required.  The cost is $15 per pet.

Low Cost Pet Crates & Carriers

Whether you need a pet carrier for travel or are interested in crate training your dog, LRHS can help! Stop by our location at to purchase affordable pet carriers and crates. Small-med. cat and dog carriers/crates, lightly used: $10 each, large crates $25

Pet Pantry

When we find ourselves with donations of supplies that we can’t utilize for our shelter pets, we allocate those supplies to our pet meals on wheels recipients. After those folks/pets are provided for, remaining supplies will now neatly line our new walk-in pet pantry located right here at 11 Old Rt. 28 in Ossipee (across from the post office).

The Pet Pantry shares our shelters’ open hours which are Tues. – Sat. 11 am – 4 pm.
We welcome pet owners struggling to make ends meet to take what they require to keep their pets cozy and fed, free of charge. Donations are welcomed but not anticipated. We anticipate 2023 will be a difficult year for many and hope this added community service will be a helpful one. The contents of the pet pantry will vary daily depending on what has been donated. The pet pantry runs on a first come, first served basis.

Military Discount

With proof of military ID, veterans and military personal qualify to have all their adoption fees sponsored by Chris Hero Pets. Spay/neuter deposits will remain the responsibility of the adopter.

Humane Trap Rental Program

If you are having an issue with unwanted critters, remove them the humane way with a humane trap. LRHS offers free rental of humane live animal traps that are durable, safe, and effective.

Please contact LRHS ahead of time to ensure we have a trap available. $50 refundable deposit required.

Offsite Presentations

Looking for someone present to your school group, scout troop or organization? LRHS is happy to travel to share proper pet care tips, pet safety and animal sheltering stories.

Lost & Found Pets